Every time I start to think about quitting the paper route, as much for the early mornings as for the slight embarrassment at having this job, we get an amazing sunrise like this. Now, it actually makes me sad to think of all the sunrises I've missed in my life. They're such an great picture of what God has done for us - Covered in darkness until God washes away that darkness with His light. I particularly like these verses: "...to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." Luke 1:77-79
So, I'm thinking that everyone should get a paper route. It's your biblical duty. OR, I will let you sub my route. And I will sleep... ;-)
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