Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rae

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

These sweet faces belong to the two little boys that we sponsor through World Vision. The one on the left is Adeliberh, 3 years old. And the one on the right is Waly, 9 years old. We've got their pictures out and try to pray for them every time we see the pictures. Adeliberh keeps falling off though, so I need to do something about that.

We got a real nice letter from Waly the other day - he even drew a picture of something and included that in his letter. We have yet to determine what it is, but feel special that he drew it specially for us.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

This is Moscow in May. I've never been here this late in the year (or would that be this early in the year?), but today's weather made me happy that I'm here.

Jo and I are being unrealistic again and have decided to start training for a marathon. Yes, a marathon for two lazy bums. It is possible, just maybe, that posting our marathon dream on this blog will provide enough motivation for the littlest while. Until it dissipates tomorrow and I'll have to find something else to force us out the door. The yellow-polka-dot-bikini hasn't worked...

Greetings. The purchase of a new camera seems a fitting reason to start living like the rest of the world. I am now a blogger. Unless this is a hard as keeping a diary, something I never could do for more than 3 or 4 days, if I was being really faithful.

Antyway, this is a faithful narrative of my exciting life in the least potato-y part of Idaho for all those that I love, but who are so very far away. You know who you are. That's the real reason for this blog. You may also compliment me on my photo-graphing skills if you wish.