Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rae
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Not Guilty
SO. This is kind of interesting/funny. I was reading the Moscow Police Department reports the other day. Strange, I know - but I just happened to find a link to it from another site I was looking at AND you never know what you might find on police reports in your area! For instance, peruse this report from 7/24/06:
06-M06776 Suspicious Person/Circumstance
Incident Address : 1401 North Polk St Ext; Clark House MOSCOW ID 83843
Responding Officers: R Wolverton, Dani Vargas
Disposition : CLO
Time Reported: 04:02
Cad Comments:Rp advised of a newer VW that has been driving by off and on tonight. Rp advised of a male driver and unknown occupant and they appear to be looking in the windows. Officers responded and report unfounded. No report.
Yeah, um, that's the very same 4:02AM that Jo and I use to deliver our Lewiston Tribune papers. And, yes, we deliver several papers to and around 1401 North Polk St Ext. However, we were NOT looking in windows, although I can see how it might look like that. This Suspicious Person report made us feel a wee bit guilty, despite doing nothing more than being the best newspaper deliverers ever. Mostly though, we were amused by the "male driver and unknown occupant" part. We're hoping the male part is attributed to Jo's baseball hat that morning, as she was the driver. And the unknown occupant part to me not getting out and socializing enough.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sunday Afternoon Mad:)Lib
Title: Description of the Lovely Group that I am in
We are having a perfectly red time this evening in the purple home of Parker. The rooms are decorated slowly with many stylish fires that must have cost at least two dollars. The guests are all great conversationalists and are all loudly dressed. Jo has been entertaining us by telling us about the time she showed her orange q-tip to Bill, who mistook it for an early American BBQ Chicken. The refreshments are little, and the idea of serving hot and warn hors d'oeuvres showed imagination. Visiting here is always a clear experience!
Friday, July 21, 2006
More Pike's Place

For my Starbucks loving brothers and dad:
this is the very first Starbucks ever. They had a bunch of neat stuff inside, besides the usual neat drinks. Sadly, the line was enormous. And it was almost as hot then as it is right now in our duplex. So we forwent a cold, delicious frappuccino.
As we left the Starbucks, we were greeted by the music of some permanant singing fixtures - they were perfect, but they sure had heart. Their rendition of "This Little Light of Mine" was the sweetest.
we went to Seattle. For this mainly:

Seems crazy to drive 6 hours for shopping, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Besides, we got to do some shopping for some church families, even a Missionary family. So, really, we were just being selfless.
The best thing about Seattle is the Pike's Place Market. I could spend days there. See for yourself:
Stupid Project of the Year

This was our floor for weeks after we moved in. We thought it was such a good idea to buy a cheap looking piece of Wal-Mart furniture and paint it. That way it would look like a more expensive piece of cheap furniture. Weeks later, one gallon of primer later, two gallons of the very wrong teal color paint later, one quart and one gallon of the right color later, one gallon of polyurethane and two polyurethane brushes later, we have a very nice TV cabinet. Never again will paint brushes be used in this duplex. Never.

After eating way too much carnival food (the roasted corn on the cob was the best - rivaled that great Maryland Ambrosia corn - Mmmmm), we waaaaaaaaaaited for the fireworks to start. We met our goal of getting there early enough to get good seats on the beach. Two hours later - after moving all the boats out of the way of falling fire - the fireworks began. 5 minutes later - the finale. They were, um, nice. Wee bit short for the waiting, but fun day all around.
Happy Independence Day!

Jo and I went up Coeur d' Alene on July 4th hoping for a spectacular fireworks show. We got there early for good seats, but then realized that there was nothing to do for the five hours until fireworks. Being the gutsy, adventurous people that we are, we rented a gigantic floating tricycle to fill up our time (see below for a pictorial explanation). And it did, because it is harder to ride a tricycle on water than you would think. The water was fantastically warm and we wished we had thought to bring swimsuits.

Yipes, it's been almost a month. Seriously overdue for some blog updating. First off, I want everyone to know that it's getting VERY close to Margery's birthday! And second of all, I want everyone to know that it is VERY hot here. Those are the only two things on my mind this fine triple digit day. I'm seriously thinking about getting my hair chopped off, but I don't want to do something stupid just because I live in the hottest duplex around. Maybe I should ask for an air conditioner for Margery's birthday. ;-)
Posting some recent pictures now...